Workshops and Events

PLEASE NOTE: All Lego Rovers activity is currently on hiatus.

LEGO Rovers is happy to make school visits and attend other events. We are free of charge to schools and any event which does not charge an entrance fee so long as the location is in the Merseyside or Greater Manchester area. If you want to book LEGO Rovers for an event please contact Rebekah Martin,

We are happy, within reason, to work with organisations in order to tailor our activity to your event, however LEGO Rovers does come in two standard forms which have proven successful.


We can deliver LEGO Rovers as a 45 minute workshop for novice programmers. Attendees will work in groups of 2-4 with a robot and will be taken through: controlling a robot; controlling a robot on the Moon; the use of sensors; and programming simple tasks. The workshop concludes with a question and answer session. Workshop numbers are limited to 30 attendees. We provide all the necessary equipment for workshops but do need a suitable amount of space for the number of attendees: this can either be arranged around tables or in a clear area of floor. We also need access to at least one power socket.

When delivering workshops in schools we prefer to work with years 3-8 and expect at least one teacher to be present at all times to handle classroom management issues.